Friday, April 19, 2024

Many benefits of cucumber

Cucumbers belong to the same plant family as squash, pumpkin, and watermelon (the Cucurbitaceae family). Cucumbers are made up of 95 percent water.
However, there’s reason to eat cucumbers all year round. With vitamin K, B vitamins, copper, potassium, vitamin C, and manganese, cucumbers can help you to avoid nutrient deficiencies that are widespread among those eating a typical Nigeria diet.
Here are some health benefits of cucumber: It contains unique polyphenols and other compounds that may help reduce your risk of chronic diseases and much more.
Cucumbers are known to contain an anti-inflammatory flavonol called fisetin that appears to play an important role in brain health. Helps in improving your memory and protecting your nerve cells from age-related decline.
Another interesting benefit is that it contains polyphenols called lignans, which may help to lower your risk of breast, uterine, ovarian and prostate cancers.
According to the George Mateljan Foundation, Cucumbers may help to “cool” the inflammatory response in your body, and animal studies suggest that cucumber extract helps reduce unwanted inflammation, in part by inhibiting the activity of proinflammatory enzymes
Cucumbers also contain numerous antioxidants, including the well-known vitamin C and beta-carotene. Placing a cucumber slice on the roof of your mouth may help to rid it of mouth odourcausing bacteria. According to the principles of Ayurveda, eating cucumbers may also help to release excess heat in your stomach, which is said to be a primary cause of bad breath.
Cucumbers contain multiple B vitamins, including vitamin B1, vitamin B5, and vitamin B7 (biotin). B vitamins are known to help ease feelings of anxiety and buffer some of the damaging effects of stress. Cucumbers are rich in two of the most basic elements needed for healthy digestion: water and fiber. The ideal amount of fiber your body needs is 50 grams per 1,000 calories consumed. Cucumbers are very low in calories; one cup of sliced cucumber contains just 16 calories. The soluble fiber in cucumbers dissolves into a gel-like texture in your gut, helping to slow down your digestion. This helps you to feel full longer and is one reason why fiber-rich foods may help with weight control.
Lastly, cucumbers contain potassium, which is associated with lower blood pressure levels. A proper balance of potassium, both inside and outside your cells, is crucial for your body to function properly

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