2023: Obi picks April 2 for formal declaration


Uba Group

Presidential hopeful and former governor of Anambra State, Peter Obi, has picked April 2, for the formal declaration of his 2023 Presidential bid.

He explained that what happened at Agu-Awka on Thursday was just to inform his immediate community of his intention.

His Media Adviser, Valentine Obienyem, stated this on his verified Facebook page late Thursday night titled, “Peter Obi: Not really a declaration”.

He indicated that
“What happened today was not really a declaration to contest the Presidency. Mr. Peter Obi only informed traditional rulers and PGs of his intention to contest the position of the President of Nigeria . Thereafter, they offered their advice, blessings and assurances of support for him.

“Both traditional rulers and PGs agreed that he is the best man for the job now. They all recalled his governance of Anambra State and said if only Nigerians would allow him to replicate the Anambra miracle nationally.

“What next? The real declaration comes up on the 2nd of next month.”

Valentine further explained that “When he told me of the event, I naturally asked of the venue. Could you imagine the ‘shock’ when he said the venue was ‘Government House?’

“The shock was many times magnified when he further told me that it was the Governor that requested that he should use government facilities.

“Who would not be touched? It is a reminder that the journey to the Presidency is a collective one and that everybody should be carried along. This is a great lesson for all of us.”