Court orders woman to sweep son’s school for 6months for attacking with thugs


Uba Group

A 40-year-old-housewife named Biola Joshua has been ordered to sweep the premises of her son‘s school, Iju-Ebiye High School, Ota, for six months for invading the place with thugs.

The police charged Joshua with conspiracy, assault and breach of peace.

The Prosecution Counsel, Insp. Cynthia Ejezie, told the court that the convict, her son and others at large, committed the offence on March 11, 2021 at about 2pm, at Iju-Ebiye High School in Ota.

Ejezie said that the convict and her accomplices assaulted the school principal and the health officer of the school, causing them bodily injuries.

She added that they also conducted themselves in a manner likely to cause breach of peace by invading and disrupting academic activities in the school.

The offence contravened the provisions of sections 249(d),355 and 516 of the Criminal Code, Laws of Ogun State, 2006.

The convict pleaded not guilty to the charge but the magistrate held that the prosecution proved his case beyond reasonable doubts and that Joshua was guilty of the charges preferred against her.

In his ruling, Shotunde Shotayo of Magistrates’ Court, Ota, Ogun State said that the convict should sweep the school premises from 8am to 11am daily.

The magistrate directed the school to open a log book for the convict where her daily activities would be recorded for six months.

However, the court gave Joshua an option of N30,000 fine to be given to the principal and the teacher.