Folic acid in guava, good for unborn baby’s nervous system


Guava, popularly known as amrood in Hindi, comes loaded with tiny hard seeds at the center. It is believed to have originated in Central America, where it is alternatively known as “sand plum”.

It is round or oval in shape with light green or light yellow skin, and the colour of its flesh varies from white or pink to dark red and has edible seeds. Guava is extraordinarily rich in vitamin C, lycopene (red pigment found predominantly in tomatoes and some other fruits that gives them their colour) and antioxidants that are beneficial to the skin. Since it contains about 80% of water, it helps to keep the skin hydrated.
Guavas are also rich in manganese, which helps the body to absorb other key nutrients from the food that we eat. Guavas contain folate, a mineral which helps promote fertility.
The potassium in guavas is helpful in normalising blood pressure levels.

Due to the rich fibre content and low glycaemic index (glycaemic index ranks carbohydrates according to their effect on blood glucose levels) in guavas, it helps to prevent the development of diabetes. The former ensures the sugar levels are well regulated, while the latter inhibits a sudden spike in sugar levels.
Guavas improve the sodium and potassium balance of the body, thereby regulating blood pressure in patients with hypertension. Due to the presence of vitamin A, guava is well
known as a booster for vision health. It can not only prevent degradation of eyesight, but even improve eyesight. It can help to slow down the appearance of cataracts and macular