Grow your business with e-commerce


E-commerce is fast becoming the easiest way of driving business to retail brands simply because customers can access it from anywhere in the world.

Data from Internet World Statistics reveal that as at November 30, 2015, there were a total of 3.366 billion internet users in the world. This translates into about half of the world population of 7.259 billion using the internet. This makes it easier for businesses to thrive since customers can be reached on the web anywhere in the world.

Even now, some small and medium scale enterprises are utilising the power of e-commerce to grow their businesses.

Solomon Ola and Grace Ogumba, both retailers of clothing and female accessories, respectively, attest that e-commerce has improved their sales as it has bridged the physical distance between them and their customers.

While some retailers prefer to use shopping sites like Kaymu and the likes, others prefer to use their personal social media page. Whatever e-commerce method used, the goal is to boost sales.


E-commerce has eliminated the cost of traditional advertising marketing.

According to Mr. Afam Anyika, a media marketing expert, “it is a one-stop place where people all over the world go to, based on what interests them and this they do using the social media. All you need is access to data and a necessary device like your computer, tablet or smartphone.”

He explains why e-commerce is crucial to the success of every business, especially SMEs, saying that it builds brand awareness.

Displaying your products or services on the Internet gives your brand increased visibility as anyone can view it from any part of the world.

It identifies the audience of your business. This is especially possible when e-commerce is channeled through your personal social media page.

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