I dedicate my victory to God, Imo people, says Uzodimma


A grateful reelected Governor Hope Uzodimma has dedicated his victory at the Saturday, November 11, 2023 governorship election to God Almighty, and the good people of Imo State who turned out en mass to vote for him.

He did on Monday in a broadcast where he appreciated Imo people and all those who contributed immensely, in one way or the other, to ensure that he was re-elected in the interest of the state.

It was also an opportunity Governor Uzodimma used to invite those who contested the office of the Governor of Imo State with him to join him with whatever great ideas they have got so that together they can serve Imo people better.

Governor Uzodimma who noted that his opponents may have lost the election to him however said that in all Imo people are the winners.

Governor Uzodimma’s thank you broadcast read in full: “To the glory of God yesterday

( Sunday), the Independent National Electoral Commission declared me the winner of the governorship election held in our state on Saturday, November 11th, 2023.

“It is with a deep sense of humility, appreciation, and an abiding faith in God that I humbly accept the great honour and privilege to serve as your governor for a second term of four years.

“Because I acknowledge God in everything I do and because I know that power comes from God, the first thing I did upon receiving the news of my victory yesterday was to proceed to the church to thank God for his goodness to me and Imo people.

“Of course, I can never thank God enough for doing it again for me. Almighty God has shown that He did it four years ago and has done it again, to His honour and glory. So, I dedicate this victory to God Almighty and the good people of Imo State.

“I must confess that I am truly humbled and deeply appreciative of every single vote I received across the 27 local government areas in the State. They all contributed to giving me a clear, historic and unprecedented victory over my opponents.

“Ndi Imo umunnem, you spoke volumes through your massive votes. It is an emphatic vote of confidence in our performance in office in the last four years. You did not prevaricate in making that statement. You came out boldly and joyously to give me your votes. Thank you very much indeed.

“This historic statement is a clear confirmation that all the different stakeholders who had earlier endorsed me for the governorship election because of our superlative performance in office have walked their talk.

“To all of you, including, but not limited to the youths, the women, traders, road transport workers, all other stakeholders, particularly Imo workers through their different unions such as the Nigerian Labour Congress(NLC), the Nigerian Union of Teachers (NUT), the Nigerian Union of Pensioners (NUP), and the Nigerian Union of Local Government Employees (NULEGE), I say thank you very much indeed. I sincerely appreciate all of you. You have made me proud indeed. It is now my turn to keep my own side of the bargain.

“On that note, I wish to repeat my earlier covenant with God and Imo people: ‘I will not let Imo people down and I will serve with utmost honesty and the fear of God.’

Let me be clear. Your message to me through your overwhelming endorsement is that you appreciate what I have done in office so far, and you want me to do even more. I heard you loud and clear. It is an invitation to do more and do better, and that is exactly what I will do.

“I do not take this victory lightly. I am aware of your desires and expectations. In this regard, let me reassure you that I will continue to deliver the dividends of democracy to Imo people under our 3R mantra of Reconstruction, Rehabilitation and Recovery. I will continue to provide a transparent, accountable, and transformative leadership to Imo people. I will continue to provide an inclusive platform for all Imo people to have a say on how they are governed. These are my promises, and I believe this was why you voted for me. And I will keep to the promises.

“In a democratic contest such as the one of last Saturday, only one person will emerge victorious. Since it has pleased God and Imo people to confer that honour and privilege on me, I congratulate and commiserate with my brothers who contested the election with me. They did not lose, but Imo people won. This collective victory is for the good of the people and the progress of our State. I, therefore, call on all of them to join hands with me to continue to build the Imo of our collective dreams.

“Let me express my profound gratitude to Imo people who trooped out in their thousands to cast their votes and make this a true democratic contest. I am truly proud of you all. I am immensely grateful to the agents of my Party, APC, across the 305 wards in the state who stood firm in the defence of our votes. You have made me proud also.

“I also acknowledge my indebtedness to all the political appointees who campaigned for me and our Party and who also mobilised voters and protected their votes on the day of the election.

“I want to extend my profound gratitude to the religious leaders in the State for their relentless and fervent prayers for peace in the State and particularly for peaceful elections. It is also to your credit that you initiated the Charter of Equity, which was designed to reduce tension and acrimony in governorship elections in the State.

“In the same vein, I thank the Elders Council for adopting the Charter of Equity document wholeheartedly and for tirelessly marketing it to our people in the 27 local government areas. There is no doubt whatsoever that all your efforts paid off handsomely; translating to the historic outcome of the election.

“I also wish to thank our traditional rulers for all their prayers for the peaceful conduct of the election. I am sincerely grateful to you, our Royal Fathers.

“For INEC, the security agencies and others who saw to it that the election was peaceful, free and fair, you are the true heroes of the election and worthy defenders of our democracy. I thank you all.

“Once again, I am grateful to everyone who has made this victory possible. Please continue to hold our State in your prayers as we look forward to better days ahead.

To God be all the glory.”