Lagos renews push for 37 LCDAs constitutional recognition


The Lagos State Government has resolved to explore all avenues to reintroduce the issue of the 37 Local Council Development Areas in the ongoing constitutional review process, with a view to constitutionally completing the process.

The Special Adviser, Office of Political, Legislative and Civic Engagement, Afolabi Tajudeen, disclosed this in a statement made available to the News Agency of Nigeria in Lagos on Sunday.

Tajudeen said the move was part of resolutions in a communiqué issued at the end of the 18th edition of the Executive/Legislative parley organised by the Office of Political, Legislative and Civic Engagement, with the theme, “Engaging All for an Inclusive Governance: Hands on for a Greater Lagos Rising.”

The state government, in 2003, created 37 LCDAs from the 20 constitutionally recognised local government areas, but they remain inchoate, having not been listed in the Nigerian Constitution.

Tajudeen said participants at the parley also stated the need for collaboration between the executive, National Assembly members representing the state and members of the state legislature in advocating for a “Special Status” for Lagos in the ongoing constitution review.

He said that participants at the two-day parley held at Eko Hotel and Suites, Lagos, agreed to enhance the existing harmonious relationship between all various arms of government through recognition and mutual respect for their constitutional roles.

Tajudeen said there was agreement on the need to create awareness and educate the citizens on the importance and roles of each arm of government.

“There is a need for political office holders to prioritise citizens’ welfare above personal interest and ambition in the discharge of their constitutional roles and responsibilities.

‘’Due consideration should be accorded the party, its philosophy and manifesto in governance and the tripartite relationship among the executive, legislature and the people as it is the only platform for elective office,” he said.