My First Love: Zeb Ejiro


I had dated other girls before I met the woman I married. All young guys did the same thing. I would not stay here and tell you that I was a saint. When I met my wife, it was a beautiful feeling but her parents didn’t approve the relationship.

My wife’s father was the area manager of a pharmaceutical company. In the big house the man was living with his family, there was a smallroom by the side that I occupied. The man gave birth to beautiful girls.

Each time my wife and her sisters passed through my window, I would stay there and watch. At some point, I was confused on the girl to go for. But I made up my mind that I should go for Joy, my wife.

That relationship was not easy. They told her that she couldn’t go out with me but she told them it was me or nobody. There was a battle between me and her brothers.

It became difficult at a time to even leave my house because I would pass through their building. Whenever I passed and her mother saw me, she would scream on me to leave her daughter.

There was a time the father locked me up too, but my wife insisted she was sleeping with me. The policemen had to surrender when they saw that it was a love matter. Before I had my break in Nollywood, we’ve had our first son. So, I was part of the family already. Before she got pregnant, they had accepted the situation