One injured as policemen disperse protesting Lagos drivers


A lady simply identified as Joy was injured as operatives of the Lagos State Police Command were dispersing protesting commercial drivers in the Mangoro, Ikeja area of Lagos State on Monday.

According to an eyewitness, Chinedu, the lady was a victim of circumstance as she was not one of the protesters.

Chinedu said, “The lady was waiting to board a commercial bus because buses did not operate today. Suddenly, policemen came with their vehicles and on sighting the protesters, they fired teargas everywhere.

“Unfortunately for the lady, the teargas hit her face and she sustained a deep cut.”

Another eyewitness, Moyo added, “The cut was deep and she was rushed to a nearby hospital for treatment. Her family members have been contacted to come and attend to her.”

Commuters were stranded following the protest by Lagos commercial drivers against the Lagos State Traffic Management Authority and Task Force on Monday.

It was gathered that the commercial drivers embarked on the strike to protest extortion.

It was observed that commuters were stranded at various bus stops and motor parks.