Police fire teargas at EndSARS memorial protesters at Lekki Toll Gate



Officers of the Nigeria Police Force deployed to Lekki Tollgate in Lagos on Thursday, have attacked protesters marking the second anniversary of the EndSARS memorial.

The police fired teargas to disperse the crowd as both protesters and civilians scampered for safety while officers harassed journalists covering the event.

Notable among those at the procession were Falz, Mr. Macaroni along with 2023 presidential candidate Omoyele Sowore.

According to their notice of the protest made available to The Point, the protesters planed to “walk and drive through the toll gate”.

The toll gate was where soldiers attacked allegedly shot and killed ENDSARS protesters on October 20, 2020.

The protesters carried coffins while singing, chanted slogans, and waving the Nigerian flag.
The peaceful procession ran into chaos as the police suddenly started firing teargas as the crowd who were still distance away from the tollgate.