Top 100 danger zones in Nigeria

  • In Ugbague, prostitutes harbour armed robbers, keep weapons
  • Robbers in para-military uniforms on patrol in Ogere

As the end of the year draws near, experts have advised that, in view of the increased criminal activities that had been recorded around this time in previous years, Nigerians should go about their daily activities with increased vigilance. According to them, since no crime occurs in a vacuum, it is always good to avoid places that have been identified as danger spots. A special investigation by The Point revealed 100 top danger zones in Nigeria as shown by the mapping analyses at various police stations. The series, which began last week with 25 danger spots around Lagos, continues in this edition.

26) UGBAGUE, IN BENIN This is a notorious community in Benin, Edo State. It is perhaps the epicentre of prostitution in Nigeria. Here, you meet with different women of easy virtue, who speak pidgin fluently, from a girl of eight years to a woman of over 70 years. And they are all proud of their trade. Reports have it that they often harbour armed robbers, and even keep their weapons. The Police in the state are aware of their trade, but can do little to stop them.

27) ORITA-IDOWA EJIRIN ROAD This axis that is just a stone throw from Ijebu-Ode, in Ogun State, is very notorious for armed robbery activities. In the recent past, police authorities engaged in periodic patrols of the area. At a time, the services of vigilante groups were sought, but they soon relaxed due to the persistence of the criminals.

28) OGERE, NEAR SAGAMU This is a community known for industrial activities. On the highway are pockets of road-blocks mounted by officials of the Nigeria Customs Service. It is an irony of sorts that the presence of these uniformed men has not in any way deterred the nefarious activities of men of the underworld, who often unleash terror on travellers. Most of their victims are those transporting newly bought vehicles to other states of the federation. Reports say, the robbers are often clad in para-military uniforms to conceal their real identities.

29) ORE JUNCTION Ore, in Ondo State, is a rendezvous for travellers to many parts of the country, from the East, South-South, to the Northern parts of the country. It is easy for thieves to mingle with honest and genuine travellers at most of the restaurants that dot Ore, only for the criminals to reveal their identities after. This is why the Police often warn travellers to be wary of the people they discuss freely with, while shopping in any of those restaurants. Many robbery cases have been traced to the axis.

30) ONYEARUGBULEM MARKET, AKURE  This market is located off the Odo-Isolo area of Akure. Right inside the market, hoodlums rape, torture and rob those who cross their paths, especially at odd hours. Another area similar to this is Okejebu in Akure.

31) 3’3 – NEAR NKWELLEEZUNAKA, ANAMBRA This is a transit camp along the Otuocha and Nsugbe Road. It is on the record that the Movement for the Actualisation of the Sovereign State of Biafra’s activities started here before they were repelled by federal government agents. A lot of sudden disappearances were said to have been traced to this area.It is not ideal to travel/walk alone in this area.

32) ULI CENTRE Also in Anambra State, is located along the Onitsha/Owerri Road. Aside from robbery activities, kidnapping has become the order of the day.

33) KOKO Koko, in Delta State, is, undoubtedly, a sanctuary for robbers. Aside from robbery, advance fee fraud, also know as 419, is common in this area. Travellers have consistently been warned to be mindful of those they relate with as regards business transactions here.

34) ORLU JUNCTION BY MGBIDI, IMO STATE This is along the Onitsha/Owerri Road. It is advisable not to have a stop-over here, most especially at about midnight. A lot of sudden disappearances were said to have occurred here. According to findings, money–making rituals are very commonplace.

35) ITU This is a community in Cross River State, linking Calabar. The potholes on the road have made it possible for men of the underworld to attack motorists who ply the road, especially in the dark. After launching an attack, the cutlasscarrying robbers would walk leisurely into the nearby bush.

36) NGEB TOWN, CROSS RIVER STATE Ngeb is a notorious community that trades in “contrabands.” Eating

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