Nigeria, 10 other countries to benefit from AfDB’s 10 gigawatts solar power by 2030


The African Development Bank’s Desert to Power Initiative, one of the world’s most ambitious energy projects, will benefit 11 countries across the African continent, Nigeria being one of them.

According to a statement from the Bank, 250 million people on the continent will benefit from the 10 gigawatts of solar by 2030.

“This transformative and bold effort aims to turn Africa’s vast, sun-drenched Sahel region – one of the most vulnerable regions in the world – into a powerhouse of solar energy, targeting 11 countries: Burkina Faso, Chad, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, and Sudan,” the Bank disclosed.

“By harnessing the region’s immense solar potential, Desert to Power seeks to generate 10 gigawatts of solar power by 2030, thereby facilitating access to electricity for 250 million people.” It added.

The ground-breaking project is the brainchild of Bank President Akinwumi Adesina who has termed it the Bank’s “baobab”.

“Desert to Power is what I call the baobab of projects. It will require all our efforts if we are to effect change,”he told a COP meeting.

Last December, the Bank approved the 225 kV Mauritania-Mali Power Interconnection and related Solar Power Plants Development Project (PIEMM) which is a priority operation under that Desert to Power Initiative. The project will help develop regional electricity trade in the Sahel, allow Mali to import about 600 GWh of electricity from renewable energy sources from Mauritania each year and enable both Mali and Mauritania to increase their national electricity access rate and to improve the performance of their electricity sub-sector by reducing fuel consumption, and shutting down several generators with exorbitant operating costs thus reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Ultimately, the project is expected to connect 100,000 new households (80,000 in Mauritania and 20,000 in Mali).

Adesina noted that the initiative presents a major step along the way to solving Africa’s critical energy access issues and reducing dependence on fossil fuels like heavy fuel oil. These are key drivers of environmental fragility in the region, worsening climate warming behind many of the dramatic weather events now regularly hitting the continent.

The Bank has also successfully leveraged climate finance from international sources like the Green Climate to blend with the Bank’s own resources to support the Desert to Power initiative.

Additionally, the Bank’s Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA), the Bank’s largest in-house blended finance facility with commitments of over $500 million from 10 donors, including Denmark, the United States, the United Kingdom, Italy, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Germany, the Nordic Development Fund, and the Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet, is providing catalytic capital for private sector projects across the Desert to Power countries and beyond.

The Desert to Power portfolio counts 10 investment projects and over 15 technical assistance operations across 7 of the 11 countries of operation. The initiative has drawn plaudits from policy makers, diplomats, politicians and media commentators.

The initiative is part of a broader effort to transition Africa towards more sustainable energy sources, helping mitigate deforestation and its associated impacts.

Adesina explained, “The Bank’s investment in solar energy is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, reliable and affordable energy is essential for reducing reliance on charcoal, which is not only a leading cause of deforestation, but also an expensive option for many households. The continent’s rapid population growth has intensified energy demands, with the population doubling and doubling again to at least 1.2 billion, nearly half of whom lack access to electricity.”

Africa’s potential for renewable energy is vast but largely untapped. The continent has an almost unlimited solar capacity (11 TW), significant hydro resources (350 GW, with only between five and six percent currently harnessed), wind power (110 GW, with only two percent utilized), and geothermal energy sources (15 GW).

Despite this potential, 600 million people in Africa live without access to electricity. The continent accounts for just six percent of global energy demand and slightly over three percent of electricity demand. This underscores the importance of scaling up renewable energy investments to meet the continent’s energy needs sustainably.

From 2016 to 2022, the AfDB approved $8.3 billion in energy commitments, with 87 percent directed towards renewable energy projects. This investment has already generated 3.4 GW of electricity, including 2.6 GW from renewable sources.

The Bank is also developing an African Green Mineral Strategy to capitalize on the continent’s abundant critical minerals, such as cobalt, manganese, and platinum, which are essential for facilitating the energy transition.