2018 fasting demonstrates unity of all Muslims- Baba Adinni of Yorubaland


The Baba Adinni of Yorubaland, Edo and Delta states, Chief Sarafa Tunji Ishola, has urged Muslims to continue to live peacefully with the adherents of other faiths as they commence this year’s Ramadan fasting season.

In a goodwill message to the Muslim Ummah, Ishola, who congratulated all the Muslims in Nigeria and across the world, said that this year’s Ramadan fasting had demonstrated the unity and oneness of Muslims worldwide.

The Baba Adinni’s statement reads: “On Wednesday May 16, 2018 the Muslims in the Southwest, Edo and Delta States under the chairmanship of the President General, Sheikh Jamiu Bello Kewulere, the Grand Imam of Ado Ekiti, met at the headquarters of the League in Ibadan, Oyo State, to deliberate on the commencement of Ramadan in Yorubaland, Edo and Delta States. It is worthy of note that the event was fully attended by all accredited leaders of the League.

“At that meeting, Wednesday May 16, being 29th day of Shaban 1439, was chosen for the commencement of Tarawi Prayers and May 17, being the first day of Ramadan, was agreed for the commencement of Ramadan fasting.

“The President General, Nigeria Supreme Council for Islamic (NSCIA), His Eminence Sultan Saad Abubakar III, urged the Muslim Ummah to look out for the sighting of moon on Wednesday May 16 in line with the recommendation of the moon sighting committee set up by the NSCIA. In the spirit of unity and oneness of the Muslim Ummah in Nigeria, both the South and the North, both dates for the commencement of Ramadan fast are one and the same.

The statement further said, “In the same vein, the Saudi Authorities confirmed these dates earlier chosen by Nigeria Muslim authorities.

“In essence, the unity and oneness of Muslims across the World are manifested.

“It is in this spirit I wish the Muslims in Nigeria in particular and the World in general Ramadan Kareem while urging them to coexist peacefully with other Faiths.”